Corporate governance

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For matters regarding corporate governance, the general manager of the Company serves as the convener and has appointed a chief financial officer to lead the corporate governance personnel, such as specialists in the general manager’s office and the staff of the Financial and Administrative Division, to protect shareholders’ rights and interest as well as strengthen the functions of the board of directors. Our chief financial officer has more than three years of experience serving in the financial management position of listed companies. The main responsibilities of corporate governance personnel include providing directors and supervisors with the information required to perform their business operations, assisting directors and supervisors in complying with laws and regulations, and conducting matters regarding the board of directors’ meeting and shareholders’ meeting according to the laws.

Corporate governance

Description of matters regarding corporate governance of the Company
Organizational structure of the Functional Committee
The dedicated staff of corporate governance
Articles of incorporation

Board of Directors

Members and job duties

Functional Committee

Remuneration Committee (members and job duties)
Audit Committee (members and job duties)

Important internal regulations