Home Products & Services Financial Solutions Department

Financial Solutions Department

The best choice for the investment and wealth management system in the financial industry

  • The most comprehensive investment and financial management products, the most optimized operating procedures and functions, and the most extensive investment and financial management strategies.
  • The most convenient automated operations, the most diverse externally integrated operations, the most diverse service fee discount plan, and the most rigorous control of systematic risk.
  • Products and services from scratch, integration ability from beginning to end, and product combination from points to plane.
  • System functions with high integration, response capabilities with high efficiency, development teams with high stability, and financial products with high coverage.

Product description

Introduction of the department

Provide the financial industry (including specific money trust in the banking industry and sub-brokerage/re-entrustment in the securities industry) with services such as implementation consultation, system planning, development, design, deployment, and maintenance for placing orders in the investment and financial management business in the front-end, account processing and reporting in the back-end platform, and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) which support two platforms of information system such as IBM AS400 and Java.

Product description

Specific Money Trust Investments in Domestic and Foreign Securities System
Sub-brokerage investment in domestic and foreign securities system
Wealth management system
Securities firm’s CRM System
an investment and wealth management system for investment products such as domestic and foreign funds of banks, foreign bonds, domestic and foreign structured products, foreign ETF, foreign stocks, and foreign preferred stocks.
  • Features
  • The most comprehensive investment products: domestic and foreign funds (including TWD denominated, foreign currency denominated, front end load funds, and back end load funds), foreign bonds (Exchange offer , ELN), foreign stocks/ETFs (supporting GTC and fractional share).
  • It can quickly respond to the market change, quickly launch new products, select and use immediately, and make adjustment in advance to respond to the changes of laws or regulations.
  • Powerful regular saving plan (RSP) or monthly investment plan (MIP) function : it supports the investment in funds and ETF products, including daily deductions , weekly deductions by fix amount or uncertain amount etc.
  • It has a smart investment plan module : efficient investment (parent–child funds), funds in the same series or different series, and automatic switch or redemption function after reach the setting of profit yield or loss to enrich the investment flexibility.
  • The most diverse redemption function: redemption and re-subscription, automatic redemption after cutting loss or realizing profit, and regular redemption, etc.
  • Strengthen the capability of fund utilization: execute the pledge for the fund investment position , and reinvest to other products after received the ex-dividend payment.
  • The most comprehensive automation function: obtain the fund information from fund companies, enhance launch efficiency of fund, calculation of AUM for each fund or fund series , calculate the trailer fee, and sharing to branch or AO calculation, etc..
  • Diverse account auditing function: automatic monthly inventory comparison of fund houses, comprehensive automation of broker’s auditing function for foreign stocks (had cooperation experience with more than ten domestic and foreign brokers).
  • It can connect to a variety of AI for wealth management and rebalance operations.
  • Functions
  • Basic settings: it includes the release of various investment products, settings of handling fee (subscription , switch , redemption), promotion & discount settings, and promotion project settings, etc.
  • Function for Branch transaction and query : it includes account opening, ordinary subscription, regular saving plan (RSP) with fix amount or uncertain amount , efficient investment subscription, switch , redemption, re-subscription after redemption, reinvestment after ex-dividend, contract modification, and certification application etc., as well as profit and loss query, historical transactions inquiry etc.
  • The order placement operation of brokers or fund houses: it includes STP functions for fund ordering function thru TDCC to Calastone or BBH. , Real time order placement to brokers for foreign stocks and ETF by Fix Gateway. Printing of the paper copy of order forms.
  • The allotment function for various transactions (subscription, switch , redemption): it includes the implementation after receiving the confirmation file for fund subscription or switch or redemption STP from TDCC, and the real time connect to broker thru the fix gateway for ETF and foreign stocks .
  • The real-time or batch connecting operations of various types of bank deposit account system : it includes money exchange, real-time deduction/earmark, batch deduction/crediting/amount deduction of dis-earmark, etc.
  • Corporate action & non-trade operations : ex-right, ex-dividend, division, merger, liquidation, capital repayment after maturity, early buyback, capital reduction, delisting, selling of odd shares, inheritance, etc.
  • Printing of various customer forms: it includes various applications for transaction forms, monthly statements, notification letter, and transaction reports.
  • Declaration report of competent authority: it includes declaration of the central bank, declaration of the Financial Supervisory Commission, declaration of trust association, declaration of trust income of the National Taxation Bureau, declaration of second-generation national health insurance, property declaration of public servant of the Control Yuan, and declaration of the OTC etc.
  • Various management reports: routine operations, statistics, and account auditing, etc.
An Investment and wealth management system for investment products include onshore, offshore fund, foreign bonds, domestic and foreign structured products, foreign ETF, foreign stocks, and foreign preferred stocks.
  • Features
  • It supports the two major markets with the most foreign securities invested by the Taiwanese people (accounting for more than 92% in the US and Hong Kong stock markets) and our system support in 24 different markets trading experience approved by the competent authorities .
  • It supports more than ten major bank core system real time or batch connecting , including Taiwan dollar settlement account /foreign currency settlement account and the customers’ own accounts.
  • It supports the OSU pledge function, and the DSU can be released upon the approval of the competent authority.
  • It supports the buying power and cycling amount functions to optimize the utilization of customer cash flow.
  • It adopts the standard with comprehensive automatic real-time transaction function for foreign stocks: it supports the uninterrupted transaction mechanism in all time zones worldwide.
  • It is equipped with the function of comprehensive reception of broker’s daily dealing and inventory data (experience with more than ten domestic and foreign brokers).
  • It can be customized for the trading activity with the DVP customer or the securities investment companies for extending the service of the large-scale investors.
  • It has comprehensive functions to fulfil the declaration of competent authorities. We continue to pay attention to and track the latest regulations of competent authorities and offer the enhancement function in advance.
  • It support fractional share and regular saving plan for foreign stock investment .
  • Functions
  • Basic settings: it includes the release of various investment products, settings of handling fee (subscription , switch , redemption), promotion & discount settings, and promotion project settings, etc
  • Transaction order and query at subsidiaries: it can integrate with other businesses for account opening, ordinary subscription, regular saving plan (RSP) with fix amount or uncertain amount , switch , redemption, contract modification, and application, etc., as well as profit and loss query, historical transactions inquiry etc.
  • The real-time entrustment/transaction operations of broker’s company: it includes functions such as foreign stocks and ETF broker’s real-time online entrustment, and receiving the real-time trading data.
  • Customized for DVP clients, such as the customized online order receiving and file generation of transaction report.
  • By real-time or batch connecting operations to various types of bank account servers: by the settlement account or self-own account , and it can process for single securities firm with multiple settlement banks, including real-time amount deduction/earmark, batch amount deduction/crediting/amount deduction of dis-earmark, etc.
  • Corporate action & non-trade operations: ex-right, ex-dividend, division, merger, liquidation, capital repayment after maturity, early buyback, capital reduction, delisting, selling of odd shares, inheritance, etc.
  • Printing of various customer forms: it includes various applications for transaction forms, monthly statements, notification letter and transaction reports.
  • Declaration report of competent authority: it includes declaration of the central bank, declaration of the Financial Supervisory Commission, declaration of securities associations, declaration of overseas income of the National Taxation Bureau, property declaration of public servant of the Control Yuan, and declaration of the OTC etc.
  • Various management reports: routine operations, statistics, and account auditing, etc.
integration of various customer transaction data in the entire bank and provides the following functions for the bank’s wealth management department and account officer (AO).
  • Features
  • The UI/UX design that focuses on user experience. Its operations are simple, and it is easy to learn and use to ensure a high utilization rate of the system.
  • It comprehensively integrates the special-purpose money trust system and fully supports the interface of various systems in the back-end platform.
  • It aggregates and analyzes abundant and comprehensive customer data to provide the most integrated information in real time.
  • It effectively provides customers with various dynamic reminders to improve the quality of financial management service.
  • It provides the financial management department of the head office with various management functions.
  • It enables the financial management supervisors and financial management professionals of branch offices to manage customers’ wealth information.
  • The homepage of financial professionals: it displays all the daily tasks of the financial professionals and the tracking function for task collaboration.
  • Functions
  • Customer service: the homepage of integrated information for financial professionals, query with customers’ multi-dimensional conditions, customers’ basic information management, interview records management, dynamic reminders for customers, history of financial professionals’ customer service, customers’ KYC management (new/update/history)
  • Performance/work management (financial professionals): it provides financial professionals with the setting of performance target, financial professionals’ performance tracking (achievement/ranking), financial professionals’ contribution analysis, financial professionals’ customer management and asset analysis, regular customer visits/tracking of to-do list, marketing activities and management of name list.
  • Performance/work management (supervisors): tracking of performance in branch offices (achievement/ranking), customer management in branch offices and asset analysis.
  • Asset management: investment overview and asset allocation, investment summary/details and query of investment transaction data, query for profit or loss of investment asset, settings of notification and investment reminders, asset structure analysis, analysis of asset change, investment performance analysis.
  • Risk management: risk mismatched transactions, transactions of underprivileged customers, transactions with excessive risk centralization, monitoring of daily loss, analysis of frequent risk variation, analysis of short-term transactions.
  • Operational management and statistical analysis: total asset analysis of customer groups, asset change analysis of customer groups, analysis of customer distribution/loss statistics, analysis of branch office/financial professionals’ management asset statistics, analysis of financial penetration rate, analysis of financial professionals’ contribution, and distribution of customers’ risk tolerance level.
  • Calendar/interview records/marketing logs routine work.
  • Pre-order and form automation.
it integrates data of customers, products, transactions and inventory in the sub-brokerage system and provides various functions such as the customer management and performance management functions for the overseas financial department of the securities firm and the sub-brokerage securities specialists.
  • Features
  • The UI/UX design that focuses on user experience. Its operations are simple, and it is easy to learn and use to ensure a high utilization rate of the system.
  • It comprehensively integrates the sub-brokerage system and fully supports the interface of various systems in the back-end platform.
  • It aggregates and analyzes abundant and comprehensive customer data to provide the most integrated information in real time.
  • It effectively provides customers with various dynamic reminders to improve the service quality of securities specialists.
  • It provides various management functions for the head office.
  • It enables the supervisors and securities specialists in the branch offices to manage customers’ wealth information.
  • Functions
  • Homepage: customers’ dynamic state, financial management dashboard, and calendar.
  • Customer management: customer search, customer overview, customer distribution, customers’ dynamic state, and marketing logs.
  • Performance management: performance report, contribution level, transaction details, important KPI, various analysis reports.
  • Customers’ wealth information: customers’ property structure, query of historical transaction data.
  • SMS and name list management: create an activity name list, gift activity query, statistics of implementation progress, transfer of activity name list.
Investment of special-purpose money in domestic and foreign securities system
Sub-brokerage investment in domestic and foreign securities system
an investment and financial management system for investment products such as domestic and foreign funds of banks, foreign bonds, domestic and foreign structured products, foreign ETF, foreign stocks, and foreign preferred stocks.
  • Features
  • The most comprehensive investment products: domestic and foreign funds (including NTD denominated, foreign currency denominated, pre-receiving funds, and post-receiving funds), foreign bonds (convertible debt-to-debt swap, debt-to-equity swap bonds), foreign stocks/ETFs (supporting long-term order and revolving amount).
  • It can quickly respond to the market demands, quickly launch new products, select and use immediately, and make adjustment in advance to respond to changes of laws and regulations.
  • It has the most comprehensive collar-cost averaging investment function: it supports the investment in funds and ETF products, including daily deductions for dollar-cost averaging, weekly deductions for dollar-cost averaging, and value averaging, etc.
  • It has smart investment and financial management functions: efficient investment (parent–child funds), funds in the same series or different series, and automatic conversion and redemption function after cutting loss or realizing profit to enhance the investment flexibility.
  • The most diverse redemption function: redemption and re-subscription, automatic redemption after cutting loss or realizing profit, and regular redemption, etc.
  • Strengthen the capability of fund utilization: pledge of self-beneficial interest, and reinvest after ex-dividend.
  • The most comprehensive automation function: obtain the fund information for fund companies, enhance launch efficiency of fund, calculation of channel service fee, and profit-sharing calculation, etc.
  • Diverse account auditing function: automatic monthly inventory comparison of fund houses, comprehensive automation of broker’s auditing function for foreign stocks (had cooperation experience with more than ten domestic and foreign brokers).
  • It can connect to a variety of smart financial management and rebalance operations.
  • Functions
  • Basic settings: it includes the release of various investment products, settings of handling fee, discount settings, and project settings, etc.
  • Transaction order and query of transactions in branch offices: it includes account opening, single subscription, dollar-cost averaging and value averaging subscription, subscription of efficient investment, conversion, redemption, re-subscription after redemption, reinvestment after ex-dividend, modification, and application, etc., as well as profit and loss query, query of historical transactions etc.
  • The order placement operation of brokers or fund houses: it includes functions such as the automation of fund depository, foreign stocks and ETF broker’s real-time online entrustment, and printing of the paper copy of order forms.
  • The distribution operations of various transactions (subscription, conversion, redemption): it includes the implementation of distribution after receiving the confirmation file for fund subscription of conversion redemption from the depository, and the data operations of real-time transaction for ETF and foreign stocks received from the broker’s securities firm, etc.
  • The real-time or batch connecting operations of various types of servers and account processing servers: it includes currency exchange, real-time amount deduction/earmark, batch amount deduction/crediting/amount deduction of dis-earmark, etc.
  • Various non-trading operations: ex-right, ex-dividend, division, merger, liquidation, capital repayment after maturity, early buyback, capital reduction, delisting, selling of odd shares, inheritance, etc.
  • Printing of various customer forms: it includes various applications for transaction forms, transaction statements, and transaction reports.
  • Declaration of competent authority: it includes declaration of the central bank, declaration of the Financial Supervisory Commission, declaration of trust association, declaration of trust income of the National Taxation Bureau, declaration of second-generation national health insurance, property declaration of public servant of the Control Yuan, and declaration of the Taipei Exchange, etc.
  • Various management reports: routine operations, statistics, and account auditing, etc.
it is an investment and financial management information system for securities firms’ domestic and foreign funds, foreign bonds, domestic and foreign structured products, ETF, stocks and preferred stocks.
  • Features
  • It supports the two major markets with the most foreign securities invested by the Taiwanese people (accounting for more than 92% in the US and Hong Kong stock markets) and other market trading experience approved by the competent authorities (we have experience in 24 different markets).
  • It supports the functions of connecting more than ten different bank account processing servers, including Taiwan dollar delivery/foreign currency delivery and the processing of customers’ own accounts.
  • It supports the OSU pledge function, and the DSU can be released upon the approval of the competent authority.
  • It supports the purchase power and revolving amount functions to optimize the utilization of customer funds.
  • It adopts the standard with comprehensive automatic real-time transaction function for foreign stocks: it supports the uninterrupted transaction mechanism in all time zones worldwide.
  • It is equipped with the function of comprehensive reception of broker’s daily account auditing (cooperation experience with more than ten domestic and foreign brokers).
  • It can be customized for the receiving function of receiving real-time transaction information from the securities investment companies, to extend the service for large-scale investors.
  • It has comprehensive functions regarding the declaration of competent authorities. We continue to pay attention to and track the latest regulations of competent authorities and offer the supplementary measures of the system in advance.
  • Basic settings: it includes the release of various investment products, settings of handling fee, and discount settings, etc.
  • Transaction order and query of transactions at subsidiaries: it can integrate with other businesses for account opening, single subscription, dollar-cost averaging and value averaging subscription, conversion, redemption, modification, and application, etc., as well as profit and loss query, query of historical transactions etc.
  • The real-time entrustment/transaction operations of broker’s company: it includes functions such as foreign stocks and ETF broker’s real-time online entrustment, and receiving the real-time transaction data of ETF.
  • For DVP clients, we can provide operations such as the customized online order receiving and file generation of transaction report.
  • The real-time or batch connecting operations of various types of servers and account processing servers: the settlement account and self-own account can be used, and it can process for single securities firm with multiple settlement banks, including real-time amount deduction/earmark, batch amount deduction/crediting/amount deduction of dis-earmark, etc.
  • Various non-trading operations: ex-right, ex-dividend, division, merger, liquidation, capital repayment after maturity, early buyback, capital reduction, delisting, selling of odd shares, inheritance, etc.
  • Printing of various customer forms: it includes various applications for transaction forms, transaction statements, and transaction reports.
  • Declaration of competent authority: it includes declaration of the central bank, declaration of the Financial Supervisory Commission, declaration of securities associations, declaration of overseas income of the National Taxation Bureau, property declaration of public servant of the Control Yuan, and declaration of the Taipei Exchange, etc.
  • Various management reports: routine operations, statistics, and account auditing, etc.
Wealth management system
Securities firm’s CRM System
integration of various customer transaction data in the entire bank and provides the following functions for the bank’s financial management department and financial management professionals.
  • Features
  • The UI/UX design that focuses on user experience. Its operations are simple, and it is easy to learn and use to ensure a high utilization rate of the system.
  • It comprehensively integrates the special-purpose money trust system and fully supports the interface of various systems in the back-end platform.
  • It aggregates and analyzes abundant and comprehensive customer data to provide the most integrated information in real time.
  • It effectively provides customers with various dynamic reminders to improve the quality of financial management service.
  • It provides the financial management department of the head office with various management functions.
  • It enables the financial management supervisors and financial management professionals of branch offices to manage customers’ wealth information.
  • The homepage of financial professionals: it displays all the daily tasks of the financial professionals and the tracking function for task collaboration.
  • Functions
  • Customer service: the homepage of integrated information for financial professionals, query with customers’ multi-dimensional conditions, customers’ basic information management, interview records management, dynamic reminders for customers, history of financial professionals’ customer service, customers’ KYC management (new/update/history)
  • Performance/work management (financial professionals): it provides financial professionals with the setting of performance target, financial professionals’ performance tracking (achievement/ranking), financial professionals’ contribution analysis, financial professionals’ customer management and asset analysis, regular customer visits/tracking of to-do list, marketing activities and management of name list.
  • Performance/work management (supervisors): tracking of performance in branch offices (achievement/ranking), customer management in branch offices and asset analysis.
  • Asset management: investment overview and asset allocation, investment summary/details and query of investment transaction data, query for profit or loss of investment asset, settings of notification and investment reminders, asset structure analysis, analysis of asset change, investment performance analysis.
  • Risk management: risk mismatched transactions, transactions of underprivileged customers, transactions with excessive risk centralization, monitoring of daily loss, analysis of frequent risk variation, analysis of short-term transactions.
  • Operational management and statistical analysis: total asset analysis of customer groups, asset change analysis of customer groups, analysis of customer distribution/loss statistics, analysis of branch office/financial professionals’ management asset statistics, analysis of financial penetration rate, analysis of financial professionals’ contribution, and distribution of customers’ risk tolerance level.
  • Calendar/interview records/marketing logs routine work.
  • Pre-order and form automation.
it integrates data of customers, products, transactions and inventory in the sub-brokerage system and provides various functions such as the customer management and performance management functions for the overseas financial department of the securities firm and the sub-brokerage securities specialists.
  • Features
  • The UI/UX design that focuses on user experience. Its operations are simple, and it is easy to learn and use to ensure a high utilization rate of the system.
  • It comprehensively integrates the sub-brokerage system and fully supports the interface of various systems in the back-end platform.
  • It aggregates and analyzes abundant and comprehensive customer data to provide the most integrated information in real time.
  • It effectively provides customers with various dynamic reminders to improve the service quality of securities specialists.
  • It provides various management functions for the head office.
  • It enables the supervisors and securities specialists in the branch offices to manage customers’ wealth information.
  • Functions
  • Homepage: customers’ dynamic state, financial management dashboard, and calendar.
  • Customer management: customer search, customer overview, customer distribution, customers’ dynamic state, and marketing logs.
  • Performance management: performance report, contribution level, transaction details, important KPI, various analysis reports.
  • Customers’ wealth information: customers’ property structure, query of historical transaction data.
  • SMS and name list management: create an activity name list, gift activity query, statistics of implementation progress, transfer of activity name list.
Investment of special-purpose money in domestic and foreign securities system
an investment and financial management system for investment products such as domestic and foreign funds of banks, foreign bonds, domestic and foreign structured products, foreign ETF, foreign stocks, and foreign preferred stocks.
  • Features
  • The most comprehensive investment products: domestic and foreign funds (including NTD denominated, foreign currency denominated, pre-receiving funds, and post-receiving funds), foreign bonds (convertible debt-to-debt swap, debt-to-equity swap bonds), foreign stocks/ETFs (supporting long-term order and revolving amount).
  • It can quickly respond to the market demands, quickly launch new products, select and use immediately, and make adjustment in advance to respond to changes of laws and regulations.
  • It has the most comprehensive collar-cost averaging investment function: it supports the investment in funds and ETF products, including daily deductions for dollar-cost averaging, weekly deductions for dollar-cost averaging, and value averaging, etc.
  • It has smart investment and financial management functions: efficient investment (parent–child funds), funds in the same series or different series, and automatic conversion and redemption function after cutting loss or realizing profit to enhance the investment flexibility.
  • The most diverse redemption function: redemption and re-subscription, automatic redemption after cutting loss or realizing profit, and regular redemption, etc.
  • Strengthen the capability of fund utilization: pledge of self-beneficial interest, and reinvest after ex-dividend.
  • The most comprehensive automation function: obtain the fund information for fund companies, enhance launch efficiency of fund, calculation of channel service fee, and profit-sharing calculation, etc.
  • Diverse account auditing function: automatic monthly inventory comparison of fund houses, comprehensive automation of broker’s auditing function for foreign stocks (had cooperation experience with more than ten domestic and foreign brokers).
  • It can connect to a variety of smart financial management and rebalance operations.
  • Functions
  • Basic settings: it includes the release of various investment products, settings of handling fee, discount settings, and project settings, etc.
  • Transaction order and query of transactions in branch offices: it includes account opening, single subscription, dollar-cost averaging and value averaging subscription, subscription of efficient investment, conversion, redemption, re-subscription after redemption, reinvestment after ex-dividend, modification, and application, etc., as well as profit and loss query, query of historical transactions etc.
  • The order placement operation of brokers or fund houses: it includes functions such as the automation of fund depository, foreign stocks and ETF broker’s real-time online entrustment, and printing of the paper copy of order forms.
  • The distribution operations of various transactions (subscription, conversion, redemption): it includes the implementation of distribution after receiving the confirmation file for fund subscription of conversion redemption from the depository, and the data operations of real-time transaction for ETF and foreign stocks received from the broker’s securities firm, etc.
  • The real-time or batch connecting operations of various types of servers and account processing servers: it includes currency exchange, real-time amount deduction/earmark, batch amount deduction/crediting/amount deduction of dis-earmark, etc.
  • Various non-trading operations: ex-right, ex-dividend, division, merger, liquidation, capital repayment after maturity, early buyback, capital reduction, delisting, selling of odd shares, inheritance, etc.
  • Printing of various customer forms: it includes various applications for transaction forms, transaction statements, and transaction reports.
  • Declaration of competent authority: it includes declaration of the central bank, declaration of the Financial Supervisory Commission, declaration of trust association, declaration of trust income of the National Taxation Bureau, declaration of second-generation national health insurance, property declaration of public servant of the Control Yuan, and declaration of the Taipei Exchange, etc.
  • Various management reports: routine operations, statistics, and account auditing, etc.
Sub-brokerage investment in domestic and foreign securities system
it is an investment and financial management information system for securities firms’ domestic and foreign funds, foreign bonds, domestic and foreign structured products, ETF, stocks and preferred stocks.
  • Features
  • It supports the two major markets with the most foreign securities invested by the Taiwanese people (accounting for more than 92% in the US and Hong Kong stock markets) and other market trading experience approved by the competent authorities (we have experience in 24 different markets).
  • It supports the functions of connecting more than ten different bank account processing servers, including Taiwan dollar delivery/foreign currency delivery and the processing of customers’ own accounts.
  • It supports the OSU pledge function, and the DSU can be released upon the approval of the competent authority.
  • It supports the purchase power and revolving amount functions to optimize the utilization of customer funds.
  • It adopts the standard with comprehensive automatic real-time transaction function for foreign stocks: it supports the uninterrupted transaction mechanism in all time zones worldwide.
  • It is equipped with the function of comprehensive reception of broker’s daily account auditing (cooperation experience with more than ten domestic and foreign brokers).
  • It can be customized for the receiving function of receiving real-time transaction information from the securities investment companies, to extend the service for large-scale investors.
  • It has comprehensive functions regarding the declaration of competent authorities. We continue to pay attention to and track the latest regulations of competent authorities and offer the supplementary measures of the system in advance.
  • Basic settings: it includes the release of various investment products, settings of handling fee, and discount settings, etc.
  • Transaction order and query of transactions at subsidiaries: it can integrate with other businesses for account opening, single subscription, dollar-cost averaging and value averaging subscription, conversion, redemption, modification, and application, etc., as well as profit and loss query, query of historical transactions etc.
  • The real-time entrustment/transaction operations of broker’s company: it includes functions such as foreign stocks and ETF broker’s real-time online entrustment, and receiving the real-time transaction data of ETF.
  • For DVP clients, we can provide operations such as the customized online order receiving and file generation of transaction report.
  • The real-time or batch connecting operations of various types of servers and account processing servers: the settlement account and self-own account can be used, and it can process for single securities firm with multiple settlement banks, including real-time amount deduction/earmark, batch amount deduction/crediting/amount deduction of dis-earmark, etc.
  • Various non-trading operations: ex-right, ex-dividend, division, merger, liquidation, capital repayment after maturity, early buyback, capital reduction, delisting, selling of odd shares, inheritance, etc.
  • Printing of various customer forms: it includes various applications for transaction forms, transaction statements, and transaction reports.
  • Declaration of competent authority: it includes declaration of the central bank, declaration of the Financial Supervisory Commission, declaration of securities associations, declaration of overseas income of the National Taxation Bureau, property declaration of public servant of the Control Yuan, and declaration of the Taipei Exchange, etc.
  • Various management reports: routine operations, statistics, and account auditing, etc.
Wealth management system
integration of various customer transaction data in the entire bank and provides the following functions for the bank’s financial management department and financial management professionals.
  • Features
  • The UI/UX design that focuses on user experience. Its operations are simple, and it is easy to learn and use to ensure a high utilization rate of the system.
  • It comprehensively integrates the special-purpose money trust system and fully supports the interface of various systems in the back-end platform.
  • It aggregates and analyzes abundant and comprehensive customer data to provide the most integrated information in real time.
  • It effectively provides customers with various dynamic reminders to improve the quality of financial management service.
  • It provides the financial management department of the head office with various management functions.
  • It enables the financial management supervisors and financial management professionals of branch offices to manage customers’ wealth information.
  • The homepage of financial professionals: it displays all the daily tasks of the financial professionals and the tracking function for task collaboration.
  • Functions
  • Customer service: the homepage of integrated information for financial professionals, query with customers’ multi-dimensional conditions, customers’ basic information management, interview records management, dynamic reminders for customers, history of financial professionals’ customer service, customers’ KYC management (new/update/history)
  • Performance/work management (financial professionals): it provides financial professionals with the setting of performance target, financial professionals’ performance tracking (achievement/ranking), financial professionals’ contribution analysis, financial professionals’ customer management and asset analysis, regular customer visits/tracking of to-do list, marketing activities and management of name list.
  • Performance/work management (supervisors): tracking of performance in branch offices (achievement/ranking), customer management in branch offices and asset analysis.
  • Asset management: investment overview and asset allocation, investment summary/details and query of investment transaction data, query for profit or loss of investment asset, settings of notification and investment reminders, asset structure analysis, analysis of asset change, investment performance analysis.
  • Risk management: risk mismatched transactions, transactions of underprivileged customers, transactions with excessive risk centralization, monitoring of daily loss, analysis of frequent risk variation, analysis of short-term transactions.
  • Operational management and statistical analysis: total asset analysis of customer groups, asset change analysis of customer groups, analysis of customer distribution/loss statistics, analysis of branch office/financial professionals’ management asset statistics, analysis of financial penetration rate, analysis of financial professionals’ contribution, and distribution of customers’ risk tolerance level.
  • Calendar/interview records/marketing logs routine work.
  • Pre-order and form automation.
Securities firm’s CRM System
it integrates data of customers, products, transactions and inventory in the sub-brokerage system and provides various functions such as the customer management and performance management functions for the overseas financial department of the securities firm and the sub-brokerage securities specialists.
  • Features
  • The UI/UX design that focuses on user experience. Its operations are simple, and it is easy to learn and use to ensure a high utilization rate of the system.
  • It comprehensively integrates the sub-brokerage system and fully supports the interface of various systems in the back-end platform.
  • It aggregates and analyzes abundant and comprehensive customer data to provide the most integrated information in real time.
  • It effectively provides customers with various dynamic reminders to improve the service quality of securities specialists.
  • It provides various management functions for the head office.
  • It enables the supervisors and securities specialists in the branch offices to manage customers’ wealth information.
  • Functions
  • Homepage: customers’ dynamic state, financial management dashboard, and calendar.
  • Customer management: customer search, customer overview, customer distribution, customers’ dynamic state, and marketing logs.
  • Performance management: performance report, contribution level, transaction details, important KPI, various analysis reports.
  • Customers’ wealth information: customers’ property structure, query of historical transaction data.
  • SMS and name list management: create an activity name list, gift activity query, statistics of implementation progress, transfer of activity name list.